Friday, October 2, 2009

Southwestern Colorado

Four Corners
Last stop in Colorado
First and Last in New Mexico
The beginning of our Drive-Thru in Arizona
Utah a place we would return to before our trip was over
Four states in one stop
My Favorite stop on our trip!
Click here for more history
We had to hike down to see 2 of the Cliff Dwellings. What goes down-must come up.. in this case. Here is Aaron and Caroline climbing the ladder.
This is one Cliff Dwelling
The same cliff dwelling is on the right. I just wanted to show you how crazy they were to live so high in a cliff! It keeps going down too. You can't see it from my picture angle.
Caroline wanted Aaron to do this again and again
Do you see the cliff Dwelling?
This was the largest one: Cliff Palace
The same as the first Mesa Verde picture
The Great Sand Dunes
Dad and Caroline ready to hike the Sand Dunes
At sunrise: Here we go
It was amazing to see such big sand dunes in the middle of nowhere. It was an escape. We felt like we were in a Desert.
Huge scary bridge out in the middle of nowhere
You could walk or drive (1 car at a time) on it.
Do you see the line going across the top? That's the bridge. It still makes my hands sweat.

Cautious Caroline Carefully stepping over the Cracks


  1. Glad to see you back here Katie! What a pretty country the southwest is... I have seen absolutely nothing compared to all that is out there. Ok that bridge. There is NO way you could get me on that thing. No way EVER. You are sooo brave. Ehhh gives me goosebumps just thinking about it!!

  2. Looks like a fun family trip! And you look so dang cute pregnant! :)
