Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another Cleaner

As most of you know, my sweet Caroline is pretty good at cleaning up. Thinking of her starting her own load of laundry still makes me laugh.

Well, we have another child very similar to her! Sweet Henry is almost obsessed with the broom. The first time I really remember it was when I was ironing in the laundry room; Henry found some snacks in my purse and started to eat them. A few minutes later I heard him go in the pantry, get the broom behind the door, come out and sweep up the mess!

He also insisted on using the garage broom today- almost pulled the nail out of the wall that it was hanging to, just because he wanted it down so bad.

Henry also gets a towel to wipe up messes he has created on the floor. Of course cleans up the table with a napkin, or wipes his face. And one of his favorite things to do is to get out the vacuum and vacuum with me or when he sees the need.But what made me just love him even more, was when I came downstairs with the shoes I was going to wear today and I threw them next to the door of the laundry room and was about to head to the kitchen to make breakfast, when I noticed Henry go and pick up my shoes, walk the 2 steps into my laundry room and put them with the rest of the shoes. He sure told me! So sweet. Love him!
P.S. Made 64 dollars on Day 2 of the garage sale. And listed the big items on Craigs List that didn't sell and so far I have made 40 bucks! The rest went to good will.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I don't even know what to say except, lets hope this lasts! Amazing!!
