baking, blazing, blistering, boiling, broiling, burning, fevered, feverish, feverous, fiery, flaming, heated, humid, igneous, like an oven, on fire, ovenlike, roasting, scalding, scorching, searing, sizzling, smoking, steaming, stuffy, sultry, summery, sweltering, sweltry, tropic, tropical, very warm
That is how I feel when I got out of bed the last 2 mornings. It only gets worse in the afternoon. And I don't feel cool until 10 o'clock at night. I'm ready for sweatshirt weather.
This week was the first week of the whole year I have been able to go to work in shorts and a tank - or even wear a dress! It was still sweaters as of last week! But now, now I must steal all your adjectives cuz Summer in SoCal is here now:) I feel for you Katie... in Colorado. xoxo Are you near a lake?