Thursday, April 15, 2010

80 dollars!

That's right. With Caroline not potty trained yet, we spend about 80 dollars on diapers in 1 month. Motivation to potty train Caroline? Yes! I plan on it ASAP! Another motivation for... cloth diapers. Now when I used to think of cloth diapers I thought of a rag, safety pins, messy, gross, never, never, never! Until my superwoman friend Jessica started thinking about it. My thoughts again were... right, you let me know how that goes. Until she acually started doing it! Cloth diapers are soft, cloth, and actually fit like a disposable diaper with snaps or velcro (instead of the ouch safety pins). I still have concerns, but truly I think I'm ready to not spend that amount of cash anymore. Aaron isn't a fan, but who really wants to clean poopy diapers or underwear?? I can always do cloth at home and disposable on the go. Crazy? I know. Check it out...
I can't seem to get the link to work sorry.

I just think it is so cost effective. It would be great for emergency supply reasons and we plan to have more kids. I could reuse them again and again.

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